
More To That

Illustrated stories on the human condition.

the finality of everything
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The finality of everything šŸ¤”

Hey friends, I'm in Korea visiting my parents, and will be here for another month before returning back to Los Angeles. The summer is usually a time in which I slow down on the creative front, and given the pace in which I worked for the first half of the year, this is necessary. While Iā€™ve yet to announce the big project Iā€™ve been working on, just know that as a newsletter reader, youā€™ll be among the first to know. In the meantime, I wanted to continue sharing both new and old posts via this...

Hey friends, Iā€™ve been working on a big writing project over the last 3 months. Iā€™ve cleared out my calendar, blocked off my weekday mornings, and dedicated almost all my creative energy to this one thing. It has required a level of focus that has brought the best of my abilities to the forefront. Well, I believe Iā€™m nearing the finish line, and will be announcing it in the near future. Iā€™m very happy with where itā€™s going, and am excited to share it with you when the time is right. In the...

Hey friends, In the last edition of the newsletter, I mentioned that I was working on a big writing project. Well, thatā€™s still where Iā€™m directing a majority of my creative attention toward, and in due time, Iā€™ll share more details here. I feel like Iā€™ve grown so much as a result of working on it, and perhaps youā€™ll sense that when you get to read it as well. In the meantime, I wanted to share a reflection on an important topic: what it means to follow your passion. One of the ways weā€™ve...

Hey friends, Iā€™m back in Los Angeles after a wonderful stay in Vancouver, and Iā€™m back in the groove of my writing schedule. Iā€™m working on something Iā€™m very excited about, and in due time, Iā€™ll share more details here. I havenā€™t been this energized when it comes to my writing for quite some time, which signals that this is the exact project Iā€™m supposed to be working on. Hope that thereā€™s something in your life that fuels you in a similar way as well. In the meantime, Iā€™d like to share a...

Hey friends, Hello from Vancouver, where Iā€™m visiting family until early next week. This city holds a special place in my heart because my wife and I got married here, and itā€™s wild that weā€™re now here with a child. The pages of life turn quickly, and I hope youā€™re taking a moment to slow down and bookmark the most special ones. Today, I wanted to share a reflection on one of lifeā€™s most important topics: happiness. In a sense, happiness is the greatest aspiration of all. Itā€™s what makes the...

Hey friends, Of all the virtues we aspire to embody, kindness should reside near the top. If you take inventory of all the worldā€™s problems, almost every single one can be resolved with it. With that said, there is a nuance to navigate. It turns out that thereā€™s a species of kindness which doesnā€™t add to oneā€™s well-being, but detracts from it. Instead of acting as a force for compassion, it becomes a proponent of cowardice. So in todayā€™s post, weā€™re going to explore the border between the...

Hey friends, Before getting into todayā€™s post, I wanted to share an observation. Thereā€™s been a recent uptick in enrollment for my writing course, The Examined Writer. Iā€™m not sure why that is, or how exactly people have found their way to the program (I donā€™t have analytics set up on any of my course pages). Itā€™s possible that students are simply spreading the word about it, which is the best outcome I could hope for. Regardless, this kind of thing is great because my work as a whole is...

Hey friends, Last week, I asked you a simple question: Whatā€™s a problem (or struggle) youā€™re experiencing that I can help resolve? Well, letā€™s just say that I was pleasantly surprised to see the mountain of answers that arrived in my inbox. Iā€™ve tried to reply to as many as I can, but just know that Iā€™ve read every single one. Thank you for being so open with me, and if you still want to contribute your own answer to that question, feel free to hit reply and let me know. All right. Now onto...

Hey friends, The theme of todayā€™s newsletter will be on the topic of questions, and the importance of asking three in particular. But before diving in, I have a question for you that Iā€™d like to ask at the outset: Whatā€™s a problem (or struggle) youā€™re experiencing that I can help resolve? Given what you know about me and my work, Iā€™m curious what type of problems you feel Iā€™m capable of addressing well. Would it be something creativity-related? Money or business-related? Something to do with...

Hey friends, First off, thanks for all the feedback on last weekā€™s story on inspiration. Long-form posts take a lot of time to create, but they tend to welcome thoughtful dialogue from all kinds of curious minds. Iā€™m yet again reminded of the power of expressing your ideas, and I hope that you take time to do that as well. On that note, I have a question for you. If youā€™re someone that creates things (or wants to start creating), why do you do it? I know thatā€™s a big question, so for the sake...